bias, children, education, favorite, history, hypocrisy, islam, political correctness, religion, urgent, video

Revisionist history on Islam and other religions infiltrating public education

US Public Schools Teaching Children Pro-Islamic Propaganda March 9, 2009, by Marc Sheppard Ybarra claims that the textbooks also treat Islam with special privilege and tend not to criticize or challenge it, as they do Judaism and Christianity. He offers this example from the glossary of World History: Continuity and Change: It calls the Ten […]

communism, corruption, economics, government, history, ideology, liberalism, progressive, religion, socialism

Corrupting Christianity and distorting history to justify communism

original article: There is no ‘Catholic case for communism’ July 25, 2019 by Rev. Ben Johnson On Tuesday, America magazine published an apology for Communism that would have been embarrassing in Gorbachev-era Pravda. “The Catholic Case for Communism” minimizes Marxism’s intensely anti-Christian views, ignores its oppression and economic decimation of its citizens, distorts the bulk of Catholic social […]

culture, freedom, government, history, politics, religion, unintended consequences

Where culture, politics, and religion meet in America

original article: Tocqueville and Democracy’s Fall in America January 19, 2017 by Samuel Gregg For Alexis de Tocqueville, American democracy’s passion for equality was a potentially fatal flaw—one that religion could help address. But what happens when religion also becomes preoccupied with equality? Over the past year, lots of people, I suspect, have been reading […]

abuse, anti-religion, bias, bigotry, bullies, christian, crisis, discrimination, extremism, hate crime, ideology, intolerance, oppression, tragedy

Report: 2015 Saw ‘Most Violent’ Persecution of Christians in Modern History

original article: Report: 2015 Saw ‘Most Violent’ Persecution of Christians in Modern History January 20, 2016 by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS The brutal, worldwide persecution of Christians during the past year makes 2015 “the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history,” according to a watchdog organization that has been monitoring Christian persecution […]

bias, corruption, elitism, extremism, foreign affairs, hate crime, history, hypocrisy, ideology, indoctrination, islam, political correctness, propaganda, racism, relativism, terrorism

Israel Haters Only Like The History That Suits Them

original article: Israel Haters Only Like The History That Suits Them October 22, 2015 by David Harsanyi The other day, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Adolf Hitler only had plans to expel Jews from Europe until his infamous meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who instructed him to “burn them.” You can imagine what […]

american, anti-religion, bias, corruption, culture, education, environment, extremism, history, hypocrisy, ideology, indoctrination, left wing, liberalism, oppression, pandering, political correctness, politics, propaganda, Uncategorized

Remember when rewriting history was a bad thing?

Many of you probably know of David Barton, a well known American historian often accused of rewriting history. With accusations of diminishing important historical events or minimizing historical characters, David Barton is widely considered a dangerous man. But then, much of this controversy is a matter of interpretation or perspective. Whether David Barton really is […]

american, anti-religion, atheism, bias, corruption, false, fraud, history, ideology, indoctrination, patriotism, philosophy, political correctness, propaganda

Purposefully rewriting history at Independence Hall in Philly

Christianity gets flayed at home of Liberty Bell September 19, 2010 by Bob Unruh A Christian chaplain has written to officials at the nation’s historic Independence Hall in Philadelphia asking them to provide a better experience for visitors after a tour guide there discounted the Christian beliefs of the Founders, saying, “Washington didn’t even go […]

anti-religion, bias, bigotry, censorship, children, christian, constitution, education, government, history, ideology, indoctrination, left wing, liberalism, oppression, pandering, philosophy, political correctness, relativism, religion, separation

Education board tackles issue of religion in textbooks

Education board tackles issue of religion in textbooks January 12, 2010 by Karina Kling (hat tip to Education Watch International) Religion, in the founding and evolution of America, has taken the leading role in a new drama playing at the State Board of Education, as educators and elected officials edit new scripts for Texas school […]

atheism, bias, eugenics, evolution, history, ideology, science, scientists

Does science check bias?

In a previous article on the difference between following evidence vs narrative I addressed several concerns with missing this distinction, and with how Christians sometimes appropriately and sometimes inappropriately allow modern science to alter their interpretation of the Bible. There is often an (at least apparent) uncritical deference to main stream scientific claims. This article […]