constitution, culture, ethics, hypocrisy, justice, lies, racism, video

Chasing Ghosts: corrupting the fight against racism

When someone is accused of a vile thing, many of us recognize this presents a situation where evidence matters. The mere allegation is not enough to know what really happened. There are legal, moral, and biblical links to this scenario.

Consider this question: what standard of justice would you want applied to yourself if you were accused of a vile thing, especially when that accusation could cost your freedom? I suspect most of us would want to be treated by a standard of justice that includes the following tenets:

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bias, culture, current events, ideology, indoctrination, news media, progressive, propaganda, relativism, video

The insane fears of the progressive left

What Do You Fear? Survey Shows Top Terrors for Democrats and Republicans

What is the number one fear among Democratic voters? It might be you.
Bill Whittle lists the top terrors for Democrats and Republicans according to a new survey.

article: Wait…These Are the Top Three Concerns for Democratic Voters? Yes, It’s Insane.
February 25, 2021 by Matt Vespa


bias, congress, corruption, Democrats, ethics, false, hypocrisy, ideology, justice, lies, news media, politics, propaganda, scandal, video

New York Times quietly retracts story about officer Sicknick’s death

original article: New York Times quietly retracts story about officer Sicknick’s death
February 15, 2021 by Star Political News

The New York Times has updated an initial report from last month claiming that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed due to blunt force truama from a fire extinguisher during the Jan. 6 riot; Mollie Hemingway reacts.


bigotry, culture, discrimination, diversity, history, ideology, opinion, propaganda, racism, victimization, video

Larry Elder: Race Politics Are Based On a Con

original article: Larry Elder: Race Politics Are Based On a Con
November 18, 2020 by Joshua Phillipp

Critical Race Theory, Barack Obama’s impact on race relations, racism, movie Uncle Tom


bias, columns, culture, Democrats, diversity, ideology, justice, opinion, protests, racism, tragedy, victimization, video

The 2020 Project

Inspired by the 1776 project which was founded in response to the historically and factually challenged 1619 Project of the New York Times, let us recognize the contemporary battle of narratives on America’s history happening before our eyes. If you’re not familiar with the problems raised with the 1619 Project here are two articles to get you started.

‘1776’: Prominent black conservatives counter NYT’s flawed ‘1619 Project’ with message of unity

Sorry, New York Times, But America Began in 1776

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abortion, abuse, babies, pro-life, prolife, study, tragedy, video

The facility’s staff threw her to the street while she was hemorrhaging and begging someone call 911

original article: Women who regret abortion need love and compassion, not hatred
January 14, 2019 by Devin Sena

This week I scrolled through comments on social media regarding a story recounting the horrific ordeal of a woman experiencing a botched abortion. The facility’s staff threw her to the street while she was hemorrhaging and begging someone call 911 for help. The comments were callous and inhumane.

“She called 911 for help? Amazing how quickly life became important once it was her own.”

“At least she was able to call for help before dying unlike her baby who couldn’t.”

“Am I supposed to feel bad? Because I don’t.”

Their anger is understandable given that an innocent life was lost to abortion, a unique person with God-given potential was lost during the procedure.

But we must not respond like this. Applauding a second act of violence against a woman dehumanizes her in the same way abortion dehumanizes a child.

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abuse, feminism, government, hypocrisy, ideology, left wing, liberalism, political correctness, progressive, sex, tragedy, victimization, video

Progressives turn on the victim

original article: When A Seattle Woman Raped By A Homeless Man Told Her Story, The Progressive Backlash Began
May 7, 2019 by JOHN SEXTON

“I thought to myself that I didn’t want to die,” a Seattle woman named Lindsey said of her experience being raped last year in a car dealership bathroom. She continued, “And I didn’t want to die on a linoleum trailer bathroom floor. And I didn’t want my story to end there. And I kept fighting.”

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