culture, economics, family, feminism, freedom, government, nanny state, public policy, reform, unintended consequences, victimization, welfare

Does locking people into dependence expand choice?

original article: How Government Paid Leave Restricts Parents’ Choices January 21, 2020 by Georgi Boorman “People say, ‘I just need to organize my life like this and make the right choices,’” Claire Cain Miller quoted from feminist author Kirsten Swinth in The New York Times recently. “Nobody’s saying, ‘I’m making choices in an impoverished world.’” The […]

communism, corruption, economics, government, history, ideology, liberalism, progressive, religion, socialism

Corrupting Christianity and distorting history to justify communism

original article: There is no ‘Catholic case for communism’ July 25, 2019 by Rev. Ben Johnson On Tuesday, America magazine published an apology for Communism that would have been embarrassing in Gorbachev-era Pravda. “The Catholic Case for Communism” minimizes Marxism’s intensely anti-Christian views, ignores its oppression and economic decimation of its citizens, distorts the bulk of Catholic social […]

american, conservative, culture, freedom, government, history, ideology, right wing, unintended consequences

Many of America’s seemingly benevolent programs succeed only in making people dependent

original article: Searching for Self-Reliance May 30, 2017 by Edwin J. Feulner When conservatives call for Congress to cut federal spending and shrink the size of government, they’re often portrayed as heartless. On the contrary: We remember our heritage. We know there’s actually nothing “progressive” at all about the nanny state. Indeed, it’s regressive. It’s […]

biology, culture, government, homosexuality, ideology, indoctrination, intolerance, law, left wing, liberalism, oppression, politics, progressive, public policy, reform, science, sex, tragedy, unintended consequences

The problem with basing a diagnosis and irreversible treatment on people’s feelings

original article: Bravo to the Truth: What’s Wrong with Transgender Ideology April 27, 2017 by Walt Heyer A recent New York Post article tells the story of a Detroit mom named Erica who changed into a transgender dad named Eric. If that is not enough, his son had already changed genders: born a boy, he […]

abuse, anti-religion, atheism, bullies, culture, elitism, ethics, extremism, freedom, ideology, indoctrination, intolerance, left wing, liberalism, oppression, philosophy, progressive, relativism, religion, unintended consequences

Liberal Fascism Is What Happens Once People Think God Is Dead

original article: Liberal Fascism Is What Happens Once People Think God Is Dead March 27, 2017 by Sethu A. Iyer Before the recent presidential election, I did not think of myself as a conservative. But after seeing the Left’s unhinged reaction, I realized I was definitely anti-progressive. My own studies and reflections had left me […]

culture, diversity, extremism, health, ideology, indoctrination, political correctness, sex, video

Some trans people don’t fit the steriotype

original article: ‘I used to think I was trans. Now I don’t.’ How Carey was set free from transgenderism March 10, 2017 by Laurie Higgins Progressives promote the lie that “gender identity” is immutable in order to rationalize and normalize an incoherent ideology and destructive medical “treatments.” Leftists desperately hope that the mainstream press, always […]

abuse, anti-religion, bias, bigotry, bullies, christian, crisis, discrimination, extremism, hate crime, ideology, intolerance, oppression, tragedy

Report: 2015 Saw ‘Most Violent’ Persecution of Christians in Modern History

original article: Report: 2015 Saw ‘Most Violent’ Persecution of Christians in Modern History January 20, 2016 by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS The brutal, worldwide persecution of Christians during the past year makes 2015 “the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history,” according to a watchdog organization that has been monitoring Christian persecution […]

bias, corruption, elitism, extremism, foreign affairs, hate crime, history, hypocrisy, ideology, indoctrination, islam, political correctness, propaganda, racism, relativism, terrorism

Israel Haters Only Like The History That Suits Them

original article: Israel Haters Only Like The History That Suits Them October 22, 2015 by David Harsanyi The other day, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Adolf Hitler only had plans to expel Jews from Europe until his infamous meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who instructed him to “burn them.” You can imagine what […]

american, bias, discrimination, education, fraud, history, ideology, indoctrination, left wing, liberalism, pandering, philosophy, political correctness, progressive, propaganda, reform, regulation, relativism, scandal

Profs say US history guidelines would shortchange college-bound seniors

Profs say US history guidelines would shortchange college-bound seniors June 16, 2015 by Maxim Lott Dozens of historians have sent the influential College Board back to the drawing board, after determining that its U.S. history exam for university-bound high schoolers is too heavy on social politics and too light on key events in America’s past. […]

bias, culture, education, elitism, extremism, fraud, government, history, ideology, indoctrination, left wing, liberalism, nanny state, patriotism, philosophy, political correctness, politics, progressive, propaganda, public policy, reform, relativism

The College Board’s Sabotage of American History

Support the separation between school and state original article: The College Board’s Sabotage of American History June 3, 2015 by Michelle Malkin A stellar group of American historians and academics released a milestone open letter yesterday in protest of deleterious changes to the advanced placement U.S. history (APUSH) exam. The signatories are bold intellectual bulwarks […]