border security, bureaucracy, children, crisis, Democrats, government, health, health care, hypocrisy, ideology, left wing, medicine, nanny state, national security, pandering, political correctness, politics, progressive, propaganda, public policy, relativism, scandal, tragedy

From Ebola to Measles, Hysteria about Medical Isolation

During the brief 2014 Ebola scare the United States government took the clear position that isolation was not necessary. Ebola outbreak: US advises against quarantine. At the time there was no vaccine against Ebola, and the vaccines in the experimental stage were still very new and had little testing. When vaccines are available for a particular disease we are often told of the importance of inoculations. So what should we do if a disease, such as Ebola, which is many times more deadly than the Flu, arises in the U.S. but there is no vaccine? Isn’t isolation the next best thing?

Now, government enforced isolation is an entirely different situation from self-imposed isolation. I agree with some critics of certain state government actions on the Ebola scare (suggesting the allegedly infected should be detained for a matter of weeks.) An alternative approach I approve is a very short term isolation with immediate testing. If the patient is shown to be free from Ebola that person should be immediately released – no need for government mandated quarantine for several weeks.

But in California a high school is taking a different disease very seriously. Nearly 70 students from this high school were not permitted to return to school for a time because they were not vaccinated against measles. Whether you approve of the action taken by the school, one aspect of the situation just makes sense: if a vaccine is not available (or not utilized) the next best thing is isolation. I mean, we’re talking about spreading diseases here, even if they are not nearly as deadly as Ebola.

But in Washington, D.C. isolation during a disease scare doesn’t make sense. The Obama administration thinks putting illegal immigrant children (who need medical attention) into public schools without the need for an isolation period or vaccination is just fine. Feds Force Public Schools To Enroll Illegal Immigrant Children With No Medical Screening

And as a result, as common sense would suggest, we have a scare about diseases.

Illegal Alien Minors Spreading TB, Dengue, Swine Flu

Disease plagues illegal immigrants; lack of medications, basic hygiene blamed

Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S.

CDC Warning: Immigrant Children Could Be Spreading This New Mystery Virus In Public Schools

Some are denying illegal immigrants have anything to do with spreading diseases (which makes no sense at all, especially considering the spread of disease is one of several concerns for the immigration policies of any country). But the situation, like most things in life, is complex. It’s worth looking into it to find out for sure. Since we don’t know for certain, isn’t it wise to at least take some precautions and isolate the immigrants who’ve entered the country illegally and without medical screenings?

What is the Obama administration trying to do by pretending the spread of disease is of no legitimate concern when they can’t possibly know that?

border security, bureaucracy, children, crisis, Democrats, government, health, health care, hypocrisy, ideology, left wing, medicine, nanny state, national security, pandering, political correctness, politics, progressive, propaganda, public policy, relativism, scandal, tragedy

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